• About Ralphmets1

    Hi i am the leader of Black Hawks/creator. My first army was the Nacho's,i am currently a staff sargent in Nacho's. I met my 2 best friend's on Nacho chat,Greeny2250, and Edgwe.

    Have a good time in BHCP



Once you have joined the Black Hawks, you should patrol your nation AT LEAST once a day. Were not asking for that much, it only takes about 5 minutes to patrol your nation.

These are the severs you should patrol:

Avalanche (our capital), Snow Plow, Sabertooth, Ice Berg, and Yukon.

Heres an example on what you should post on the comment:

Avalanche: Clear

Snow Plow: Clear

Sabertooth: A few ACP but I scared them off

Ice Berg: Clear

Yukon: Nachos are having a victory parade, other than that, all clear

This isn’t asking that much, so we expect responses every day. If you do this then you have a better chance of a promotion. This will give us more recruits and that will give you an even more chance of a promotion if you get recruits. Please patrol your nation often 😉

We Have the New Header

Well Pungy finished the header much faster then I expected. If you ever want a header, banner, or anything for your website, go to Pungy. He did an awesome job for us, and I’m sure he will do an awesome job for you. Thanks Pungy!

Fly on~ Edgwe

Black Hawk Store opening up

Here is how it will work

$200 dollars for making a tactic session

$400 dollars for making a battle

$50 for making a recruiting session

$100 for getting at least 5 recruits

Here is what you can buy


Mod on chat for a day=$700

Owner for a day on chat=$700

It will open in afew days! Fly on~ralph

Tactic Session On Monday

Where?Sabertooth Server

When 6EST  5CST  4MST  3 PST

Comment if you can make it!

Were getting a New Header

We will be getting a new header soon. It should be here no later than March 22 (2011). So hold tight the new header is comnig!